About Us

We are passionate about providing you quality accessories and jewelry at an amazing price-point! We strive to bring you both current 'on trend' accessories and classics pieces that you will wear for years to come. Always on the lookout for unique and statement pieces, our joy comes in delivering you exactly what you are looking for, when you are looking for it! 

Sami Slade jewelry has quality you can trust. The majority of our pieces are stainless steel based, which is one of the best materials for ensuring tarnish free wear from daily use. (Make sure to read our care instructions for more details!) We are also excited to offer a line of Waterproof jewelry pieces, to make daily maintenance a breeze! 

Our mission is to make accessorizing (arguably a make or break process when it comes to styling outfits) easy and accessible, with competitive pricing that allows for you to invest in multiple pieces to mix and match for different looks! 


Who is Sami Slade? 

She is a lover of all the wonderful things accessories can do for your spirit and mood! She is playful, yet has been known to be quite serious about the things that move her. She is youthful and spirited, although not necessary in age, as to her, it is truly just a number. She is bold and fearless, yet suffers from those moments that plague us all when we feel doubt and insecure. She is compassionate and cares deeply. She believes in the goodness of human kind and lives each day searching for the blessings that always follow. She loves to read and has been known to lose herself for hours in the pages she is reading. She is both soft and edgy, patient yet driven, complex yet uncomplicated, communicative yet insular, an extroverted introvert, a feminist, a giver, a taker, a saint, a sinner, she is all of these things and more....some would call her an enigma.  

When it comes to style, Sami follows no rules. In fact, she would tell you rules are what reign you in and tell you who you "should" be. Not for Sami, she already knows who she is and she follows what style she pleases. And that style can be as drastically different day to day as day is to night. But one thing she does claim as her 'style' is she is never without her accessories, as to her, they are more important than the clothes she wears. She'll rock a white t-shirt and make it look like a runway look with accessories alone. She will rock a ball gown and sneakers! She is fearless with her styling choices, because the possibilities are endless & life is too short to not have a little fun! But she is never without the perfect accessories to complete her look! 

We all have a little bit of Sami in us...throw your caution to the wind, embrace your style (whatever it may be) and let your accessories do your talking!

 xo Sami